Why Minimalism is the Way to Go


Why Minimalism is the way to go

In recent years, there has been a boom in homeowners wanting to redecorate their homes. From the glitzy furniture of the days gone by to the industrialist feel that most 70s homes have, the rage today is none other than minimalism. Although, what is minimalism, and does this work for most homeowners today?

If you grew up in the 70s to the 90s, then chances are, your parents’ houses might be a tad bit cluttered. The quintessential lazy boy chair, the family couches with terrible upholstery, and the popcorn ceilings were the status symbols of the yesteryears. However, there is a different trend that’s hitting the magazines today, and interior designers have embraced something that’s much more modern yet sleek.

Minimalism is a way of life that’s been growing really popular nowadays, especially when it comes to millennials trying to get a hold of their first homes. No, minimalism doesn’t mean that you only need one chair or two pairs of shirts—although it does mean that you’re content with less and you’re producing less waste than most people do.

So with that said, why aren’t most people hopping on this bandwagon?

The truth is that minimalism takes a lot of energy, especially if you’re not used to living with the bare minimum. If you’ve seen the series on Netflix called Tidying Up with Marie Kondo, then you might be intrigued by what goes into this whole process of being a minimalist. Quite frankly, it’s not hard to be a minimalist and to lead a minimalist lifestyle. What’s hard is choosing to lead a lifestyle that doesn’t encourage splurging or adding things in your home that don’t have a specific purpose. That’s what’s hard, and most homeowners aren’t prepared for that kind of commitment.

You might be wondering what most people or most minimalists find appealing about this lifestyle. The truth is, there’s joy in knowing that you’re producing less waste, that you’re only supporting that lifestyle that you can afford, and that your homes are going to be way less cluttered.

The whole idea of living with less is to have a more spacious home since you have less furniture to lug around, and you’ll have more space to do your work, clear your mind, and spend time with your family. This whole movement is progressive, and it’s been successful in most parts of the world, it’s high time that most of us give it a try to see what this whole lifestyle is like for ourselves.

Now, we’re not asking you to throw away the stuff that you have in your homes. To lead a minimalist lifestyle, one must think about the things that matter most to one. Start by giving away some of the stuff that has no purpose in your homes, then see how it feels. If it doesn’t make you feel good, then at least you tried. However, if it does spark a bit of joy in your lives, maybe you were born to become a minimalist. You’ll never know unless you try it.

So before you renovate or redecorate your homes, see first if there are things you can get rid of that will make your living spaces feel more inviting, airier, and more joyful to everybody who lives there. As Marie Kondo says, “The important thing in tidying is not deciding what to discard but rather what you want to keep.”

If you’re looking for a new home to tidy up in the Chattanooga area, then call The Ryan King Team | Keller Williams Realty at +1 (423) 595 7958. They’ll surely know the perfect home for you!

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